Ship Your Donated Supplies

List of Needed Supplies
#2 Pencils and erasers (pencil top and wedge type)
Ballpoint pens (blue, black, and red)
Composition notebooks (NO spiral notebooks please)
Dry erase markers and erasers
White or colored blackboard chalk and blackboard erasers
Manila file folders (NO hanging file folders please)
Colored construction paper
Glue sticks
Crayola crayons
School backpacks
All items should be new. Please DO NOT send textbooks or other books.
Do you have school supplies to donate but shipping to our Rhode Island office is expensive? Our new partnership with Give Back Box enables you to ship up to 50 lbs. of donated items to Gbarnga Mission from anywhere in the US for just $20.
Check out our List of Needed Supplies. Pack them in your own cardboard box (hopefully you're recycling an old one!). Click the link above to get your prepaid shipping label.
Simply apply the label to your box, bring it to any UPS drop off location, and help our students in Liberia.