Support Us
While our school is making great strides forward, we’re still in great need of your continued prayers and support. Please consider giving of your time, talents or treasure to support our mission and share God's love with our brothers and sisters in Liberia.
Your support is critical and we are committed to being good stewards of your gifts.
Pray for Our Mission
Please consider praying for Gbarnga Mission, GLTC, our students and staff in Liberia, and the individuals that are a part of our growing community. Contact us to subscribe to our quarterly newsletter to receive an updated list of prayer requests.
We're always looking for volunteers who are willing to share their time and talents to support Gbarnga Mission -- even just helping to fold and mail newsletters!
We are particularly interested in someone called to make a long-term commitment (1-2 years) with an education background willing to serve side-by-side with our Liberian teachers to mentor them, share new teaching methods, and discover new ways to improve education at GLTC.
Contact us to start the conversation.
Special Skills or Professional Expertise
Do you have professional expertise or a passion for education, engineering, graphic/web design, ministry or something else? An African proverb says "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to far, go together." We appreciate teamwork and the unique talents that God has given to each of us for the building of our school -- and the building of His kingdom.
Contact us to share your talents.
Support Our Mission
Your gifts are changing lives. From childhood education and adult literacy to malaria-preventing bed nets and Bible distribution, your gifts go directly to supporting the work of sharing God's love and improving the lives of struggling families in rural Liberia.
Child Sponsorship
By supporting a student at the Gbarnga Lutheran Training Center, they not only receive a quality Christian education - they drink clean water, eat nutritious meals, get encouragement from loving teachers, and learn the most important lesson of all - the love of Jesus in their lives.
Liberia Legacy of Hope Endowment Fund
Give a gift that will keep on giving for years to come!
Our newly established Liberia Legacy of Hope Endowment Fund offers the opportunity to share both your financial estate and your love for Jesus in one generous gift. Make plans now to leave your Legacy of Hope through a will, trust or retirement plan.
Other Ways
Eligible members invited to direct Choice Dollars can recommend where Thrivent should distribute some of its charitable funds among thousands of enrolled 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, including Gbarnga Lutheran Mission Project. Go to and sign in to your account to direct these funds to support our mission.
Support our students and staff by donating school supplies, teaching aides or other classroom materials and equipment. We hope to develop a computer and science lab which will require laptops, microscopes, etc.
Contact us to learn our current needs.
We're always in need of school supplies, blackboard chalk, erasers, and even chicken waterers. Use our Wish List at Amazon by following this link: AMAZON WISH LIST
and purchase exactly what we need. Plus, it will be shipped directly to us to support our ministry to Liberia.